Residencies in the Gaspé Peninsula


During a residency begun in 2022 and continuing in 2023, the Montreal-based artist Maude Arsenault is using photography to document the changing shores, beaches, cliffs and seascapes of the Gaspé coastline by investing them with women’s bodies by way of performance art, self-portraits and sculptures in situ. In doing so, the artist is attempting to take an introspective look at the micro- and macro-landscape in its relationship with bodies-spaces-regions, in the context of a climate and social crisis that is wreaking havoc on our ecological, physical, economic and identity-related balances. Her research and explorations will be unveiled to the public at the 2024 edition of Rencontres.

Chieko Shiraishi in the Gaspé Peninsula

Following her participation in Rencontres on Tour, in summer 2023, Japanese artist Chieko Shiraishi will remain in the region in order to photograph the territory. The results of her creation residency will be presented at Musée de la Gaspésie as part of the exhibit Transcender le banal (Transcending the Ordinary), which brings together the works of a collective of four artists from Japan, during the 15th edition of Rencontres, in 2024. This project is the outcome of a first collaboration by Rencontres with Galerie Écho 119 (Paris), which aims to build creation and dissemination platforms between Japan and Québec.

Lara Gasparotto in the Gaspé Peninsula

Après sa participation aux Rencontres en tournée, à l’été 2023, l’artiste belge Lara Gasparotto demeurera en Gaspésie pour y réaliser une résidence de création. Le résultat de son travail sera présenté lors de la 15e édition des Rencontres, en 2024.

Exchange residencies in France and Québec

Robert Charlotte and Patrice Juiff in Québec, and Judith Bellavance and Philippe Garon in France

As part of a France-Québec exchange project in literature, poetry and visual arts taking place in 2022-2023, France’s Robert Charlotte, visual artist, and Patrice Juif, author, will come to Québec for a creation residency, while Gaspesian author Philippe Garon and Montreal-based visual artist Judith Bellavance will do the same in France. The results of these residencies will be on display in 2023 as part of the Photaumnales, in Beauvais, France, and at Rencontres de la photographie en Gaspésie in 2024.

Marine Lécuyer in Québec and Judith Bellavance in France

As part of a France-Québec exchange project, French photographer Marine Lécuyer will be visiting the Gaspé in September 2023 to do a creation residency. Montreal visual artist Judith Bellavance, meanwhile, will continue her residency in France in the fall of 2023. The results of these residencies will be seen in 2024 at Photaumnales, in Beauvais, France, and at Rencontres en Gaspésie.